For Danny

Created by Kerry 2 years ago
I remember meeting you for the first time in person.  
It was 2014, Andy and Therese picked us up at the airport and brought us to your home.  

You welcomed me with open arms and called me your daughter in-law.  
Having never been married before, I was really chuffed.  
It was one of those moments when the birds seemed louder and the air somehow clearer.  

I have fond memories of that time, 
seeing the place where Mike grew up, 
Listening to stories from days gone by
Of you dropping us off at the train for a day trip to Birmingham, a day at Stratford

Mike will miss your regular Skype calls, I will miss the updates
Of life in your garden,
of memories shared

You were so kind to include and ask over my son Tyler, even though you never met him 
I will miss connecting with you at birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas
But I will often think of you
And smile as I think back 

Of the trials and tribulations you must have encountered
Of the ups and downs, struggles and triumphs
Of the joy at seeing your children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren grow
Of the understanding that a life well lived reveals to us in time
Of the contentment and acceptance that comes with age 

I’m grateful to have known you, Danny
For as short as it was
I’ve learned from you how to make the most of what life throws at you, 
To remember that things we worry about will work out in the end just as it should
And to live each day as it comes
